Nixene Journal
Again a new issue of Nixene Journal is out - with a nex facinating design. Webseite will be soon updated and purchases of single articles will be possible then. If you have questions, let us know.
FONIE – network functional surfaces
Our managing director Bernhard Münzing will participate in the next workshop of FONIE - functional surfaces - - (in German only). We would like to learn more how we can support companies producing functional surfaces. We are proud to be part...
Christmas greetings
To all our business partners, followers, friends and contacts. Hope you can enjoy some relaxing days
Thanks to a a valued customer, our robotics specialist has started to work on a new project. We will post, when we have again free capacities available. We continue to support chemical companies in establishing themselves in the European market. If you have demand for...
Robotics – software support
Our young robots specialist is currently finishing his last task transfering a robot to a new software systems. He has open capacities starting December 6th, 2023. If you need urgently something done by year end and you miss capacities - contact us.
Transfer of a robot into a new robot operating system
Our specialist is currently working to transfer a robot to a a new robot operating system. His knowledge of different controlling software helps him to get the transfer quickly done. If would like to learn more or have a need to do this with your robots, then please...
AZL Workshop composites
On behalf of Graphmatech our managing director will present on November 14th at AZL Aachen: Towards the Green Energy Transition with Graphene discussion how graphene can lower hydrogen permeability of liners for type IV vessels.
Nixene Journal November 2023
It is time again - the November issue of Nixene Journal has been published - take a look at If you would like to suscribe - please let us know.
VCW Stammlack
Nicht vergessen am 26.10.2023 ist wieder Stammlack - tolle online Veranstaltung
Nixene Journal, the independent Graphene Journal, financed only by their subscribers, has published a new issue. Take a look at If you would like to suscribe, so not hesitate to contact us, your NIXENE JOURNAL agent.
Conference/Exhibition Dates
Deep Tech Atelier 2023 Riga
Our managing director is honoured to be part of a panel discussion April 20th, 2023 at the Deep Tech Atelier 2023 in Riga. He is also interested to learn more how the Start-up scene in the Baltics look like - he is happy to meet interesting people.
European Coating Show – a few slots available
Our managing director will be on the European Coating 2023 Wednesday 2023 and has booked meetings already. If you would like to discuss applications of graphene or zinc oxide quantum nanodots in coatings, please contact us to fix a meeting time.
European Coating Show
Our Managing director will be visiting the EUROPEAN COATING SHOW in Nuremberg March 29th, 2023 to learn latest trends in the industry. He is open to discuss with you any potential cooperation. Let us know.
Visit of PDAC Toronto
Our managing director Bernhard Münzing will be at the PDAC in Toronto March 6th and 7th. He will support 3AWaters, where he is board member. He is keen to learn more about the mining industry. You can meet him on the booth of Mining Finland, where 3AWaters has a small...
7th ECP – up-date
We have already booked 6 partnering meetings at the ECP - 5 of them in person. Our managing director is open for meetings in person at the GEC in Düsseldorf Wednesday February 22nd. Please use the ECP platform to schedule a meeting.
7th ECP
BePaMü GmbH represented by its general manager Bernhard Münzing will be on site in Düsseldorf. Use the partnering tool to agree on a meeting with him to discuss your needs and how BePaMü GmbH can help you. He is also available for online meetings.
BePaMü will be at the ACHEMA 2022 on August 23 and August 24. BePaMü will focus August 24 on the Start-up event. Do not hesitate to contact us to agree on a meeting.
Additive Manufacturing Formum Berlin
Our Managing Director will particpate online to learn more about Additive Manufacturing. Do not hesitate to contact him via the online networking tool. He might have some material ideas for you.
Advanced Materials Show
Our Managing Director will be in Birmingham this week to visit the Advanced Materials Show. He hopes for fruitful discussions.
NanoCarbon June 21st, June 22nd
We are pleased to inform that our Managing Director Bernhard Münzing will attend NanoCarbon Yearly Conference in Würzburg. He is looking forward seeing known and unknown faces. Please feel free to contact him during the conference to discuss any marketing projects...