7th ECP – up-date

We have already booked 6 partnering meetings at the ECP – 5 of them in person. Our managing director is open for meetings in person at the GEC in Düsseldorf Wednesday February 22nd. Please use the ECP platform to schedule a meeting.  

VCW Stammtisch Munich

Our managing director will participate at this event tomorrow starting 7 pm German time. It is an online event and he is keen to meet a new people as he has not participated in such an event for quite a time.

Happy New Year and a good start

BePaMü resume work again and we are exicted to start into 2023 with a lot of opportunities. More to come in our next blogs. For early planning: We will be at the ECP February 22nd/23rd in Düsseldorf looking for new start-up and possibilities to work together.

Enjoy your holiday season

We thank all partners and customers for the cooperation in 2022 and looking for new exciting tasks in 2023. More details of our offering you find on this webpage.