7th ECP – up-date

We have already booked 6 partnering meetings at the ECP – 5 of them in person. Our managing director is open for meetings in person at the GEC in Düsseldorf Wednesday February 22nd. Please use the ECP platform to schedule a meeting.  

7th ECP

BePaMü GmbH represented by its general manager Bernhard Münzing will be on site in Düsseldorf. Use the partnering tool to agree on a meeting with him to discuss your needs and how BePaMü GmbH can help you. He is also available for online meetings.


BePaMü will be at the ACHEMA 2022 on August 23 and August 24. BePaMü will focus August 24 on the Start-up event. Do not hesitate to contact us to agree on a meeting.

NanoCarbon June 21st, June 22nd

We are pleased to inform that our Managing Director Bernhard Münzing will attend NanoCarbon Yearly Conference in Würzburg. He is looking forward seeing known and unknown faces. Please feel free to contact him during the conference to discuss any marketing projects...