Bernhard Münzing elected as board member of Catalyco
We are proud to announce that our Managing Director Bernhard Münzing has been elected to be the part of the board of Catalyco, a Latvian Start-up, being active within the circular economy recovering high value zinc oxide.
Nixene Journal – Issue February 2023
We proudly present the latest issue of Nixene Journal. Please contact us for the February 2023 and for any subscription questions. Honoured to support Nixene Journal as an agent. Take also a look on their website:
VCW Stammlack
The VCW Stammlack starts into 2023 January 26th, 2023. It will be again a very exciting event. We will participate.
VCW Stammtisch Munich
Our managing director will participate at this event tomorrow starting 7 pm German time. It is an online event and he is keen to meet a new people as he has not participated in such an event for quite a time.
New Issue of Nixene Journal published
We are proud agent of Nixene Journal - the new issue has been published. Please do not hesitate to contact us for subscription. B_Nixene Journal Volume 7 Issue 1 January 2023 (Contents)
Happy New Year and a good start
BePaMü resume work again and we are exicted to start into 2023 with a lot of opportunities. More to come in our next blogs. For early planning: We will be at the ECP February 22nd/23rd in Düsseldorf looking for new start-up and possibilities to work together.
Enjoy your holiday season
We thank all partners and customers for the cooperation in 2022 and looking for new exciting tasks in 2023. More details of our offering you find on this webpage.
Nixene Journal – new edition December 2022
BePaMü Gmbh is proud to present the new issue of Nixene Journal - December 2022 with again great content and critical analysis. If you would like to suscribe do not hestitate to contact us. Nixene Journal Volume 6 Issue 12 December 2022 (Contents)
Nanoxo appoints BePaMü as agent for Germany
Nanoxo, a Polish start-up, manufacturing and selling quatum dots based on zinc oxide and other materials, has appointed BePaMü as agent for Germany. BePaMü is proud to being part of the journey from a start-up to industrial manufacturer. Please see the exciting...
New issue Nixene Journal
The new issue of the Nixene Journal is out - great content again. Please contact usNixene Journal Volume 6 Issue 11 November 2022 (Contents) for subscription details. Nixene Journal Volume 6 Issue 11 November 2022 (Contents)
Conference/Exhibition Dates
Was a great experience at FORMNEXT - we learned a lot what Additive Manufacturing is all about. New materials are still key. GRAPHMATECH's technology perfectly fits (
BePaMü on FORMNEXT 2021
Our Managing Director Bernhard Münzing will be on FORMNEXT 2021 to learn more about additive manufacturing. He is supporting GRAPHMATECH to introduce metal-graphene composites and graphene polymers into the additive manufacturing. To learn more ask for a meeting...
Participation at Fraunhofer IPA Webinar Applied Smart Materials – Sustainability- November 16th, 2021
We are happy that our Managing Director Bernhard Münzing has been invited to present "Safety Status of Graphene". A very important topic for having grapheen and graphene related products in real markets. For more details see the following link:...
Participation AMTC – Advanced Manufacturing Technology Conference
Our managing director will participate in person at the AMTC in Aachen October 12th and October 13th to promotoe Graphmatech's products and technology. BePaMü GmbH is working as sales consultancy for Graphmatech in central Europe.
Compound-World Essen
BePaMü GmbH will visit Compound World in Essen September 29th, 2021 looking for new exciting developments in the compounding world. BePaMü Gmbh together with Graphmatech will also approach exhibitors to discuss potential corporations for graphene based...
BePaMü GmbH visits AMX Luzern September 15th, 2021
BePaMü GmbH will visit AMX Luzern to get a market overview on additive manufacturing and discussing potentials of graphene and other nano-materials in additive manufacturing. If you would like to talk us to understand our services please contact us using...
Applied Smart Materials – Virtual International Workshops
Great Workshop organised by Fraunhofer IPA - in September with focus on applications on September 21st, 2021. Great speakers! Take a look at the link to see more and register. Hope to see you there. BePaMü GmbH will...