
Science4Life Business competition

Our managing director Bernhard Münzing had the honour to support one finalist of the Science4Life Venture Cup 2023 with a one day coaching. The next Venture Cup will start September 1st, 2023. Take a look here:

Commercialization Reactor – Latvia

We are proud that our managing director Bernhard Münzing has been selected to give a 2 hours online masterclass in B2B sales for the support program of the Commercialization Reactor. He will pass his experience in starting sales for new products in new markets to the...

Hannover Messe

Our manageing director Bernhard Münzing will be on the Hannover Messe April 17th, 2023. He will focus on hydrogen and fuel cell applications and additive manufacturing. Our partner Graphmatech has developed new materials based on PE for hydrogen tank liners, pipes and...

Nixene Journal – new edition online

Nixene Journal, an independent journal, has published a new issue. The journal summarizes recent development in the 2-world with focus on graphene. The summaries contain a independent judgement helping to understand the industry better. If you would like to order this...

Nixene Journal – Issue February 2023

We  proudly present the latest issue of Nixene Journal. Please contact us for the February 2023 and for any subscription questions. Honoured to support Nixene Journal as an agent. Take also a look on their website:

VCW Stammlack

The VCW Stammlack starts into 2023 January 26th, 2023. It will be again a very exciting event. We will participate.

VCW Stammtisch Munich

Our managing director will participate at this event tomorrow starting 7 pm German time. It is an online event and he is keen to meet a new people as he has not participated in such an event for quite a time.

Conference/Exhibition Dates

Preisfindung für Dienstleister

Wir freuen uns, dass unser Geschäftsführer am 29.4.2022 einen Workshop zum Thema "Preisfindung für Dienstleister" bei der GDCh halten wird. Die GDCh und wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldungen....

ECP February 16th – 18th

Meet our managing director Bernhard Münzing at ECP  online. He is open to dicuss support for start-up on sales and invesment side. As an expert in chemical industry he also can offer valuable contacts to key players. Don't miss the chance to talk to him

VCW Stammtisch Stuttgart

With fresh energy we start again participating in VCW Stammtisch events. The first is in Stuttgart - online. Meet our managing director to discuss opportunities. More to come. Please also note that we will participate in ECP online - February 16th and 17th. Hope to...


Was a great experience at FORMNEXT - we learned a lot what Additive Manufacturing is all about. New materials are still key. GRAPHMATECH's technology perfectly fits (  

BePaMü on FORMNEXT 2021

Our Managing Director Bernhard Münzing will be on FORMNEXT 2021 to learn more about additive manufacturing. He is supporting GRAPHMATECH to introduce metal-graphene composites and graphene polymers into the additive manufacturing. To learn more ask for a meeting...